Saturday, January 15, 2011

#17: Broken Social Scene, "Texico Bitches"

Broken Social Scene are more a concept than a band, so it shouldn’t be surprising that their music sounds the way it does. Consisting of anywhere between six and nineteen members, BSS are a collection of Canadians that occasionally get together and see what happens. Artists and groups that have one time played as part of BSS include Metric, Stars, the Weakerthans, and Feist (of “1 2 3 4” iPod commercial fame).

Their fourth album, Forgiveness Rock Record, has been nominated for the Polaris Music Prize, given to the best full-length Canadian album (bonus trivia: the first winner of the Polaris was Final Fantasy’s He Poos Clouds). As you would expect from band with so many members, their sound can get pretty dense; “Texico Bitches” is actually quite slimmed down for a BSS production.

Lyrically, the song is all kinds of odd, though it clearly has an anti-oil agenda. That interpretation is only heightened by the equally-odd video, which starts off as a petroleum-soaked fight cheered on by a crowd of face-painted war mongers and turns into something decidedly, shall we say, intimate.

The Hype Machine is the thing:!/search/texico%20bitches/1/.

Video of note be below.

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