Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Meeting of Rock

Things to do when you show up an hour early for your first meeting with the birth parents: sit in the restaurant parking lot, ponder what to do; drive across the street to the grocery store/tortilla factory to get your caffeine fix; drive back across the street, sit in the restaurant parking lot, ponder what to do; move to another parking space in the same restaurant parking lot so you won’t be sitting in the sun, ponder what to do; wait until you’re supposed to arrive, go inside; wait because everyone else is running late.

At least, that’s what we did.

Eventually, the meeting did happen. Both Sam and Diane were there, along with the attorney. As advised, we let them drive the conversation. This meeting was about them being comfortable with us, feeling that we are the right parents and people who can give their child what they want. Their primary concern is not losing their connection to this child, which is perfectly understandable by us and fits perfectly with our interests as well. A time will come that our child will have questions that we simply cannot answer. It’s nice to know that there will be someone a phone call away who can.

Our only question – why did they pick us – was answered. The official word is that our book came off as “a loving couple who is laid back.” Sam was particularly pleased that we rock the Guitar Hero enough to include a picture of it in our book. And, to think, Susan thought I was silly, if not downright ridiculous, for wanting the game in the first place.

After about two hours of talking and nobody eating more than half of what they ordered, we exchanged numbers and went our separate ways. I have no new details about the baby. And there’s definitely several hundred things about yesterday that I haven’t mentioned, if only because my mind is still processing.

But that’s what future blog posts are for.

1 comment:

  1. I hope everything from here on out goes SMOOOTH for you both.
